Dosage parameters, muscle selection, outcome measures

Actually, you know, [I felt a] tiny micro movement. So that gave me infinite hope, at that point in time. That was it. That was a game changer right there.

- FES cycling user​

Dosage parameters and progression

Although there are default settings that are common to use when starting patients on FES cycling programs (see table below), it is important to recognize that pain, apprehension, and other factors related to the injury may limit stimulation amplitudes and duration.6 The progression of stimulation should be highly individualized especially in the first 3 months post-injury. It is appropriate to increase amplitudes in small increments from session to session especially in the first 4 weeks as long as patients do not experience problems such as pain, discomfort, increased spasticity, or issues in blood pressure regulation during or after FES cycling. In general, as they progress further into the program, patients require less frequent (every 3 to 5 sessions) increases in stimulation.

FES cycling RT300 screen
Pointer on FES cycling screen setting up patient

It is also important to note that patients may not be able to produce contractions strong enough to cycle with zero resistance, therefore motor support should be used to cycle with muscle stimulation continuing at maximally tolerated level without producing undue discomfort or fatigue. The parameters below are suggestions only, they can be adjusted according to your own clinical judgment.

Parameters for functional electrical stimulation cycling6

ParameterExample first sessionExample progression
(10 weeks)
Pulse width (μs)300300
Frequency (Hz)4040
Cadence (rpm)2040
Duration (minutes)1545
Number of sessions per week33

Intensity for functional electrical stimulation cycling6

IntensityExample first sessionExample progression
(10 weeks)
Quadriceps (mA)25100
Hamstrings (mA)30 80
Gluteals (mA)35100
Gastrocnemius (mA)5060
*It is also suggested to evaluate the strength of the muscle contraction and to determine whether the individual has sensation.

Muscle selection

Depending on the individual’s goals and muscle capabilities, various muscle groups can be stimulated during FES cycling. However, it is common to always stimulate quadriceps and hamstrings, and combine these with gluteals and/or gastrocnemius.

Outcome measures

Outcome measures recorded by the program: Average asymmetry, distance traveled, energy per hour (kCal), energy expended (kCal), average stimulation, power, speed, average pulse and peak pulse.

FES cycling sensors on lower side of right leg
FES cycling sensors on calf
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