Before, During, After Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling

I think it had positive outcomes in my life because just the fact that you talk to other people and while you're there you meet other participants, and you can talk to other guys.

- FES cycling user​

Clear communication and coordination among healthcare providers, including nursing staff and the rehabilitation team, are essential to ensure everyone is prepared and informed ahead of the FES cycling session.

Before the FES cycling session

During the FES cycling session

After the FES cycling session

Strategies for a productive FES cycling session

FES cycling RT300 screen

  • Keep a close eye on the patient. Don’t leave them to bike on their own for 45 minutes
  • Make sure the electrodes don’t peel off. Check the electrodes regularly, pat down edges that have lifted, or apply tape
  • Make sure the patient’s feet stay in the pedals, check regularly and put their feet back when they slide forward
  • Add resistance if the patient doesn’t use 100% of the stimulation levels that you set (depending on how you choose to do the progressions)
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